Fundamentals of modern Java microservice

Event Details

Discover the benefits of Java microservices and learn to implement and document them using MicroProfile.

Target audience: Java Developers

About the workshop:

In this workshop, you’ll explore the fundaments of the Java microservices universe. Your first step on this journey will be to understand this architectural model’s key benefits and downsides and when and why to use it. Next, you’ll be ready to learn multiple best practices for a smoother application delivery lifecycle and integration by adopting best practices for implementing and documenting the service APIs. By the end of this workshop, you’ll have experienced through hands-on practices how easy and efficient it can be to deliver well-designed Java microservices using the MicroProfile specification.

Topics covered in this workshop include an introduction to microservices and their benefits compared to traditional application development models, an overview of MicroProfile and why it’s relevant for every Java professional, and how to integrate microservices with ultra-fast persistence. By the end of this workshop, you’ll have the skills to efficiently deliver well-designed Java microservices using the MicroProfile specification.


What you will learn:

  • Introduction to microservices: Overview of microservices, key features, and benefits compared to traditional application development models.
  • What is MicroProfile and why is it relevant for every Java professional
  • Getting started with MicroProfile and Java microservices
  • Exposing your service through good practices
    • API Design principles
    • API Versioning strategies
    • Must-know API conventions
    • Delivering mature REST APIs: The Glory of Rest
  • Documenting Java microservices with Open API.
  • Implementing stateful microservices: Integrate microservices with ultra-fast persistence