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IDE & Tools
8 posts
The art of static code analysis
The necessity for static analysis of source code … Most Java (and not only) developers have used at…
Thinking differently about testing
10x Insights to help take a different view of quality assurance I’ve given a few talks about 10x…
1BRC with AI – curious and curiouser said the LLM
Did you try turning it off and on first? (I promise this is the last 1BRC-related post). Read…
My Top 10 Principles for getting the best from AI (for developers)
AI tools for developers: principles, insights, and the importance of clean code. Every day, I encounter a new…
1 Billion RECORD CHallenge – AI Style
Previously … I recently wrote about my experiences with getting AI coding tools to find bugs and write…
Are AI Coding tools worth it – RESULTS
Background In Part 1, I examined the value of AI tools for developers, especially those that help them create…
Unit Testing Web Frontend For Accessibility Aspect
When we’re talking about unit testing, it is something that developers want to avoid, but what about accessibility??…
Are AI coding tools worth it? – part 1
This is the start of a few posts about AI coding tools. This one sets the scene and…